Scrapp Recycling | Home

More than 80% of items are recycled incorrectly

Our towns and cities waste millions each year dumping perfectly recyclable material in landfill.

We all want to do the right thing, but recycling instructions are often vague and inconsistent.

Family looking confused next to waste
Sorting screen on recycling app

See what to do with waste near you

Just scan the barcode, or search the item, and Scrapp will show you how to sort your waste into the right bin.

So you can dispose of your waste confidently, and live guilt-free!

How to sort your waste into the right bin where you live?

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Take the guesswork out of 'Check Locally'

Scrapp automatically saves your local waste rules to give you the most up-to-date guidance. Whether it's your municipal recycling program, retail soft plastic recycling programs or private reuse initiatives - all types of guidance is covered.

Discover verified, sustainable brands

Look out for the green tick - it means the information you’re seeing comes straight from one of our verified brand partners.

Learn how we're clearing up zero-waste claims →

Fight plastic pollution, together

Each time you use the Scrapp to dispose correctly, you also remove ocean-bound plastic.

The #1 Recycling App

Scrapp helps thousands of people recycle right everyday

I love using this app! It really helps when it comes to know where to put rubbish 10/10


I've tried out a few recycling apps but none of them work as well as Scrapp does 🙌✨


Scrapp is a great app for new recyclers as well as people interested in learning more


Join the recycling revolution today

Did we mention that it’s totally free?

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